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What We Do

Boys & Girls Clubs are a safe place to learn and grow – all while having fun. It is the place where great futures are started each and every day.

Mission Statement

“To enable all youth, especially those who need us most, to reach their full potential as productive, caring, and responsible citizens.”

About the Boys & Girls Club of Milford

The Boys & Girls Club of Milford is part of a nationwide affiliation of local, autonomous organizations that work to help young people of all backgrounds develop the qualities they need to become responsible citizens and leaders. It is facility-based, employs 4 full time staff members, supplemented by several part-time employees, and many volunteers. We offer our members daily access to a broad range of programs in five Core Program Areas:

Education and Career Development

Character and Leadership Development

Health and Life Skills

The Arts

Sports, Fitness and Recreation

Today, over 1200 boys and girls are taking advantage of the programs, activities and services provided by the Boys & Girls Club of Milford. They benefit from trained, caring, professional staff and volunteers who help young people take control of their lives, envision productive futures, and achieve their goals.

The Club provides an after school program to its members that meets as follows:

Hours: 3:00pm – 6:00pm
Evening Enrichment programs: 6:30 – 8:00pm

Structured, supervised activities after school provide positive social interaction, a place to learn respect for and inclusion of others, and an alternative to unsupervised street based activities. The Boys and Girls Clubs of Milford has been successful from its opening as the professional youth development staff have filled a need in the community and connected with the youth it serves. Members benefit from trained, caring, professional staff and volunteers who help young people take control of their lives, envision productive futures, and reach their goals.

Boys & Girls Club of Milford is a 501(c)3 (nonprofit) organization and donations are tax deductible. Our Tax ID Number is 27-0786009.